I learned a great deal about composing and editing in this course. I also learned a great deal about the relationship between composing/editing and media.
The concept of multimodality (or more so the terminology) was new for me, and I appreciated it’s impact on my analysis of texts in all three of our units.
Looking back on the semester, something stands out to me – no matter how quickly our technology advances, no matter how often we’re introduced to new media, the rhetorical situation is constant and unchanging. One of the purposes of this class was to examine the differences in writing/editing across the three platforms (print, web, network). And now I realize that although the practices are different, they are also the same.
Whether writing/editing for print, web, or network, it is still important for a composer to determine his/her exigence, audience, and constraints.
I just think it’s fascinating to think that, even in a thousand years, when blogs and Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr have all been replaced by the “next big thing(s),” our desires to create and to respond will not have changed.
*Further reflection is presented alongside my work.